Before the Party:
Put utensils in a cup and glue googly eyes (Elmer's glue will work great, the eyes will peel right off after the party)
Before the party:
Put a cupcake tree on a platter. Fan napkins around it.
Create a paper monster to put outside on the front door or ringing the doorbell
Purchase Monster Pop-ups from
Purchase Monster Lollipops from
Put snacks in bowls around the centerpiece.
Place Monster lollipops around the centerpiece on the napkins.
Make Monster Cupcakes!
Cut the corner off a marshmallow and glue to cupcake surface using frosting. Place a Junior Mint on the front with frosting. Add a little dot of white frosting for a little eye glint (see the green cupcake in background). Frost around and around the whole cupcake with a color! Use different cake pipers to create different textures.
Place monster cupcakes on the cupcake tree!